Introductory mathematical course

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Postoje 73 aktivnosti poučavanja i učenja bez dodijeljenog ishoda učenja.

Explain the concept of the derivative of a real function of one real variable and its geometric interpretation
Analyze an elementary function using derivatives and sketch its graph
Apply differential calculus to find local extrema of a function with one variable and inflection points of the function.
Determine the primitive function and apply integral calculus in calculating surface area and volume.
Analyze and solve a problem task in the area of mathematical analysis of the function of one variables
Total LO related workload: 7h 15min (36.4% of total workload)
Create a program solution for a specific mathematical problem and present the solution in written format
Total LO related workload: 12h 40min (63.59% of total workload)
Explain the concept of primitive function and integrals of a function with one variable
Define elementary functions of a real variable, analyze their properties and sketch their graphs.
Explain a concept of a limit and determine standard limits of functions