Integration - basic concepts, techniques and rules
8h 55min
FC / instruction-based learning
Explain the concept of primitive function and integrals of a function with one variable
Determine the primitive function and apply integral calculus in calculating surface area and volume.
Analyze and solve a problem task in the area of mathematical analysis of the function of one variables
Concept and definition of integration
Flipped classroom approach
Stjecanje znanja
1Introduction of problems - motivation
Video on problems that lead to the integral: calculating surface of area, concept of primitive function and integrals of a function ( upper and lower Darboux sum).
30 min
Students participate in discussions related to the introductory video
15 min
Stjecanje znanja
3Lecture - concept of integral
Professors work with students in a hybrid format on the development od the concept of the integral, geometric interpretation and definition.
2h 0min
Students take a short quiz based on the concept od the integral
10 min
Integration techniques
Stjecanje znanja
1Lecture - advanced techniques
Professor presents advanced techniques of integration. Students can ask questions.
1h 30min
Assistants work with students on integrals; techniques and rules application.
2h 0min
3Independent practical work.
Students learn and practice bsed on material in LMS and texbooks.
2h 0min
4Quiz (Integration-math problems)
Students take a short quiz based on the concept od the derivative.