Introductory mathematical course

Application of derivatives

16h 5min
FC / instruction-based learning

Apply differential calculus to find local extrema of a function with one variable and inflection points of the function. (60%)
Analyze an elementary function using derivatives and sketch its graph (50%)
Analyze and solve a problem task in the area of mathematical analysis of the function of one variables (10%)
Finding local extrema

Flipped classroom approach

Stjecanje znanja
1 Video-lecture - function extrema
Student listen video lecture about finding the absolute (or global) minimum and maximum values of a function.

30 min
2 Quiz
Students take a short quiz based on finding extrema of function.

20 min
3 Practice
Assistants work with students on finding function increasing or decrease intervals by use of local extrema.

1h 30min
4 Independent practical work-finding extrema
Students practice finding increasing or decreasing intervals based on material in LMS and texbooks.

1h 30min
5 Self-assessment
Students take self-assessment based on the assessment tasks in LMS (database). Based on the results they are instructed to further investigate.

1h 30min
Curvature‐ Concavity and convexity

Flipped classroom approach

Stjecanje znanja
1 Video-lecture- Concavity and convexity
Student watch video lecture that explains points of inflection, and concavity and convexity of a function.

25 min
2 Independent practical work -concavity and convexity
Students practice finding point of inflection based on material in LMS and texbooks.

1h 30min
3 Quiz
Students take a short quiz about function concavity and convexity.

20 min
4 Practice
Assistants work with students on describing the shape or curvature of a curve.

1h 30min
5 Self-assessment
Students take self-assessment based on the assessment tasks in LMS (database). Based on the results they are instructed to further investigate.

1h 30min
Plotting graph

Flipped classroom approach

Stjecanje znanja
1 Reading- graph plotting
Students read material about applying derivatives on plotting graph functions.

60 min
2 Independent practical work - graph plotting
Students practice graph plotting based on material in LMS and texbooks.

1h 30min
3 Practice
Assistants work with students on plotting graphs.

1h 30min
4 Self-assessment
Students in small group take self-assessment based on the assessment tasks in LMS (database).

1h 30min