Teaching entrepreneurial competences

Learning resources

5h 15min

Use appropriate technology to support sound pedagogical approaches that contribute to the development of students’ entrepreneurial and problem-solving skills. (10%)
Integrate the learning material available in the MOOC with other appropriate teaching and learning resources to foster entrepreneurial competences and ethical and sustainable thinking. (80%)
Create interactive learning designs and sessions developing students’ entrepreneurial competences, minding students’ pre-competence, available resources and pedagogical techniques that enhance students’ engagement and motivation. (10%)
Learning resources
1 Discussion
Discussion on the takeaways from this course related to learning resources and what´s missing. Finding information to support ethical and sustainable thinking.

1h 30min
2 Video
Videos on how to find relevant and reliable resources about ethical and sustainable thinking.

60 min
3 Preparing resources on ethical and/or sustainable thinking
Based on the discussion and the video, participants prepare (collect and systematize) materials on the selected topic and for a selected group of students (taking into account the educational level and pre-knowledge of students).

1h 15min
Käytännön harjoitteet
4 Demonstration of selected resources
Participants demonstrate the prepared resources. For the MOOC - the prepare recordings or other formats (e.g. infographics). For the project - participants prepare presentations.

1h 30min