Teaching entrepreneurial competences

Competences, skills and values in general

19h 25min

Describe pedagogical approaches, teaching and assessment methods that enhance students’ engagement to develop students’ entrepreneurial competences in online learning environment. (70%)
Identify what entrepreneurial competences students need in the contemporary world to seize and create opportunities and meet challenges to generate value. (10%)
Entrepreneurial competences
Stjecanje znanja
1 Pre-reading + introductory video

Reading and audiovisual materials regarding the basics of entrepreneurial education.

60 min
2 Quiz
Formative assessment based on the pre-reading. Multiple choice questions. Can be used as an entry pre-competence test (to check the level of teachers´ pre-competence).

60 min
3 Videos of best practice
Short videos (3 - 6 mins) with good examples. Can be existing or newly recorded videos.

60 min
4 Disscussion based on reading, videos and own experiences
Discussion based on questions. For this forum assignment we recommend having only 2-3 questions not focused exactly on the videos, but maybe things ans characteristics shared by all/most examples.

1h 30min
Pedagogical approaches, teaching and assessment
Stjecanje znanja
1 Videos
Videos on pedagogical approaches, learning outcomes, learning theories, constructive alignment etc.

1h 55min
2 Quiz
Short formative assessment related to the pre-reading.

60 min
3 Videos/materials on best practice
Participants will be provided with materials on good practices in flipped classroom and work-based learning approaches (E+ project RAPIDE).

60 min
4 Discussion based on the pre-reading, videos and own experience
Participants will be divided in groups and provided with questions for discussion.

1h 30min
Final test
1 Final test - Copy

30 min
Entrepreneurial competences- Copy
Stjecanje znanja
1 Pre-reading + introductory video

Reading and audiovisual materials regarding the basics of entrepreneurial education.

60 min
2 Quiz
Formative assessment based on the pre-reading. Multiple choice questions. Can be used as an entry pre-competence test (to check the level of teachers´ pre-competence).

60 min
3 Videos of best practice
Short videos (3 - 6 mins) with good examples. Can be existing or newly recorded videos.

60 min
4 Disscussion based on reading, videos and own experiences
Discussion based on questions. For this forum assignment we recommend having only 2-3 questions not focused exactly on the videos, but maybe things ans characteristics shared by all/most examples.

1h 30min
Entrepreneurial competences- Copy- Copy
1 Disscussion based on reading, videos and own experiences
Discussion based on questions. For this forum assignment we recommend having only 2-3 questions not focused exactly on the videos, but maybe things ans characteristics shared by all/most examples.

1h 30min
2 Videos of best practice
Short videos (3 - 6 mins) with good examples. Can be existing or newly recorded videos.

60 min
3 Quiz
Formative assessment based on the pre-reading. Multiple choice questions. Can be used as an entry pre-competence test (to check the level of teachers´ pre-competence).

60 min
Stjecanje znanja
4 Pre-reading + introductory video

Reading and audiovisual materials regarding the basics of entrepreneurial education.

60 min