Teaching entrepreneurial competences

Evaluating the digital teaching and learning skills of students and staff

5h 30min

Use appropriate technology to support sound pedagogical approaches that contribute to the development of students’ entrepreneurial and problem-solving skills. (50%)
Evaluate individual and group strengths and weaknesses of students and staff regarding hybrid and digital teaching and learning about entrepreneurial competences. (40%)
Evaluate the learning process and students’ acquisition of learning outcomes related to entrepreneurial competences. (10%)
Digital skills for teaching and learning
Stjecanje znanja
1 Introductory Videos
General videos on technology enhanced learning. These videos should focus on digital skills necessary for different scenarios. (The different modes of delivery will be further explored on the Delivery Models of Teaching and Learning module).

30 min
2 Self-assessment of digital skills (first part)
A rubric for self-assessment. Comparing to the average according to different criteria. Gap analysis and feedback. Evaluating pre-knowledge of digital skills according to the DigComp framework, using the Digital Skills Assessment tool from the European Commission platform (https://digital-skills-jobs.europa.eu/en/digital-skills-assessment).

30 min
3 Content provision and practice
Provision of different scenarios and choosing the tools that can enhance teaching and learning for that scenario. The scenarios are chosen according to the results from the first self-assessment, for each skill.

1h 15min
4 Reflection on digital skills at own institutions
Essay on ways to improve faculty digital skills at your institution. Use your strengths/weaknesses as examples.

60 min
5 Peer-review
Peer-review of the essays with suggestions for improvement.

1h 15min
6 Self-assessment of digital skills (second part)
A rubric for self-assessment. Comparing to the average according to different criteria. Progress analysis and feedback. Evaluating resulting knowledge of digital skills according to the DigComp framework, using the Digital Skills Assessment tool from the European Commission platform (https://digital-skills-jobs.europa.eu/en/digital-skills-assessment).

60 min