Integrate the learning material available in the MOOC with other appropriate teaching and learning resources to foster entrepreneurial competences and ethical and sustainable thinking.
Identify relevant pedagogical approaches to support students to analyse the impacts of ideas, opportunities, actions, created values and ethical implications in the selected real-world environment.
Evaluate individual and group strengths and weaknesses of students and staff regarding hybrid and digital teaching and learning about entrepreneurial competences.
Evaluate the learning process and students’ acquisition of learning outcomes related to entrepreneurial competences.
Create interactive learning designs and sessions developing students’ entrepreneurial competences, minding students’ pre-competence, available resources and pedagogical techniques that enhance students’ engagement and motivation.
Evaluation and quality assurance
Stjecanje znanja
Reading materials on evaluation and QA in HE.
60 min
Short quiz based on the pre-reading.
60 min
Self-evaluation of a learning design, learning resources and the learning process, based on a rubric.