Introductory mathematical course

The Derivative - basic concepts, techniques and rules

11h 10min
FC / instruction-based learning

Explain the concept of the derivative of a real function of one real variable and its geometric interpretation (90%)
Apply differential calculus to find local extrema of a function with one variable and inflection points of the function. (30%)
Analyze an elementary function using derivatives and sketch its graph (20%)
Define elementary functions of a real variable, analyze their properties and sketch their graphs. (10%)
Concept and definition of the derivative

Flipped classroom approach

1 Introduction of problems - motivation FC approach
Video on problems that lead to the derivative: the slope of a tangent, velocity, optimization

30 min
2 Disscusion
Students participate in discussions related to the introductory video.

30 min
3 Lecture - concept of derivative
Professors work with students in a hybrid format on the development od the concept of the derivative, geometric interpretation and definition.

60 min
4 Quiz
Students take a short quiz based on the concept od the derivative.

20 min
5 Practice
Assistants work with students on derivatives; techniques and rules application.

1h 30min
6 Independent practical work.
Students practice different differentiation techniques based on material in LMS and texbooks.

1h 30min
Derivatives of implicit functions, chain rule, higher-order derivatives
1 Video lecture - advanced techniques
Students listen to a short video on the introduction advanced techniques of differentiation and then participate in a face to face presentation by the teacher on these techniques.

60 min
2 Quiz
Students take a short quiz based on advanced techniques of differentiation.

20 min
3 Practice
Assistants work with students on examples of derivation of implicit functions and chain rule.

1h 30min
4 Independent practical work - advanced techniques.
Students learn and practice higher-order derivatives based on material in LMS and texbooks.

1h 30min
5 Independent investigation
Students are required to investigate on their own the application areas and history of calculus.

1h 30min