Introductory mathematical course

Project team work - PEER ASSESSMENT

21h 25min
WBP / project-based learning + PEER ASSESSMENT Students work in groups and apply mathematical methods to solve problems, with an emphasis on computer science problems.

Analyze and solve a problem task in the area of mathematical analysis of the function of one variables (5%)
Create a program solution for a specific mathematical problem and present the solution in written format (100%)
Preparation for the project
1 Presentation of teamwork
Professors and assistants present the way of working on the project, the choice of the project topic and the formation of the project team. The link of the project assignment (PBL) with the learning outcomes is explained, and how the PBL will contribute to students' future jobs. Teachers present the initial proposal of evaluation criteria for the project. The initial criteria include: research on the theoretical background, investigation of possible methodology for a solution, problem solution, presentation of the solution, quality of teamwork. Number of students: cca 100, 3-4 per team

45 min
2 Choice of project topic and team
Students form teams of 3-4 (based on their own choice) and then choose a project topic from the list. Students investigate the research topics before making a final choice. Each team will be provided with their own virtual environment for teamwork (wiki).

1h 15min
3 Initial research, discussion and questions
Students research the project topic and discuss the topic within the team, but can also ask questions in a discussion forum in the LMS.

1h 30min
Work on project
1 Disscusion of peer-assessment criteria
Teachers and students discuss the criteria for project assessment, the level of achievement, and how to recognize the level of achievement. At the end, a rubric is finalized and hopefully understood by all the students. The initial criteria may be changed based on discussion. The levels of achievement will be described, ranging from 0 do 4 (depending on a specific criterion - some may have 2, and other 3 or 4 levels).

45 min
2 Excercise peer-assessment (peer-grading)
Students are supposed to peer-assess two projects (for previous years - including one better and one not-so-good) to practice how to use the LMS, criteria, and rubrics. After that, discussion about the process is performed and the criteria are clarified if necessary. Students discuss (mutually and with the teacher) the issues related to academic integrity, fair assessment and ethical issues related to cheating.

1h 30min
3 Project work
Students research the chosen topic and collaborate within their teams. Students solve a project task, create a software solution and/or use adequate tools, and prepare written material(s) and other necessary documentation. Finally, they upload all the artifacts into the LMS (workshop in Moodle).

10h 40min
Project assessment and presentation
1 Presentation
Students' teams present their projects to teachers and other students. Teachers and other students ask questions and discuss the solutions.

2h 0min
2 Assessment and peer-assessment (peer-grading)
Students participate in peer-assessment based on the pre-defined assessment criteria and levels of achievement given in the assessment rubric in the Moodle workshop. Each student is assigned with 2 projects to assess - the distribution is done automatically in the Moodle workshop. Peer-assessment is double-blinded: students are not given information about whose work they are assessing or who is assessing their work. The final grade is calculated based on teacher assessment (higher weight) and student peer-assessment (lower weight). Students are given grades for (1) their project submission and (2) their peer-assessment.

1h 30min
3 Reflection on results
Students and teachers discuss the results of the PBL and peer-assessment, based on the learning analytics provided in Moodle and not on an individual basis. Each team has the opportunity to propose improvements to their artifact based on the feedback received. Improved artifacts can be resubmitted and teachers decides on whether the grades should be modified based on that.

1h 30min