RAPIDE e-course on relevant pedagogies and LA

Assessment related to innovative pedagogies

25h 20min

Describe the concept of innovative teaching approaches that stimulate student engagement and a deep approach to learning. (10%)
Design and implement FC and WBL in online environment, taking into account the study and subject field and students' background and needs. (10%)
Design and implement assessment methods related to FC and WBL in online environment, taking into account learning outcomes and students' background. (90%)
Implement peer-assessment and student project assessment using a peer-assessment app or tool. (100%)
Choose appropriate assessment methods, taking into account inclusiveness, learning outcomes, validity, reliability, resources, and educational impact. (100%)
1 [TU] Intro to the course - video
Introduction and welcome video of module. Sets out LO and gives Short definition and explains concepts of FC and WBL as defined within Scope of Rapide Project

30 min
2 [TU]([FOI]- completed)Introductory reading/video on assessment in flipped classroom (FC)
A short reading material presenting a summary of research on assessment in FC in online environments. Gillian to build on FOI existing material that is already there to align. No further FOI action needed.

60 min
3 [TU]([FOI] -completed) Quiz on assessment in FC
A short quiz covering the key notions related to assessment in FC, based on the reading material. Gillian to build on FOI existing material that is already there to align. No further FOI action needed.

30 min
4 [TU] ([FOI]-completed)Introductory reading/video on assessment in work-based learning (WBL)
A short reading material presenting a summary of research on assessment in WBL in online environments. Gillian to build on FOI existing material that is already there to align. No further FOI action needed.

60 min
5 [TU] ([FOI] - completed) Quiz on assessment in WBL
A short quiz covering the key notions related to assessment in WBL, based on the reading material. Gillian to build on FOI existing material that is already there to align. No further FOI action needed.

30 min
6 [TU]Discussion on prior experiences
Participants are asked to share their experiences in assessment in FC and WBL in a discussion forum be it as an assessor or as an assessee and are asked to respond to each other's posts.

30 min
7 [TU]Summary of Key Concepts
In this section, the key concepts of this part of the module are summarized with links to the relevant sources where possible.

20 min
1 [TU] Peer assessment
Video - This video highlights possible types of peer assessment. Will also aim to inspire participants' own ideas about implementation to increase students' motivation and engagement. This may become two videos depending on the length.

30 min
2 [TU] Reading on peer assessment
Students are asked to read a Literature review on peer assessment that lead to further investigation of type of Peer Assessment they may want to employ in their own courses.

60 min
3 [TU]Quiz
Knowledge check on peer assessment

20 min
4 [tu][FOI/SoM]Case studies videos
3 Videos - 3 different case studies (Delft -2 for Peer Review and Peer Evaluation, FOI/SoM on Peer Grading - Moodle plug in Darko) with hints for practice (help participants plan their own implementation)

60 min
5 [TU]Reading on additional case studies
Introducing participants to a number of other case studies available in form of text for participants to investigate on their own and to inspire and inform their own practice

1h 30min
6 [TU]Talk show - live from NMC Delft via ZOOM - preliminary date 29 June
Live Talk show with successful experts and experienced users (2-3) who will answer Participants' questions on Peer Assessment under the Ask Me Anything Principle hosted by a moderator. Participants can ask questions live but can also submit questions before hand.

1h 30min
7 [TU]Create own plan for peer assessment
Participants choose an activity in a course they want to use PA in and post their plan for peer assessment taking into account students' backgrounds, constructive alignment, etc.

2h 0min
8 [TU]Discussion and feedback on participants proposals of peer assessment
Participants are now asked to comment on their fellow participant's plans. The instructors will also provide feedback to each plan

2h 0min
9 [TU]Confirmation of Submission and Discussion Board Participation
This section will be a quiz used to have participants confirm that they contributed a PA Proposal and Gave Feedback on at least two other people's proposals which will count towards their course completion.

10 min
10 [TU]Summary of Key Concepts in PA
This closes out this section of the course by summarizing the key concepts covered including links to relevant documentation.

20 min
1 [TU input from others always appreciated]Digital tools for peer assessment
In this section links to the many different PA tools and options that are available are shared, such as FOI Moodle plugin, CATME by Purdue etc. It is aimed to keep the list up-to-date by asking participants to share successful examples they have come across in their practice.

2h 30min
2 [TU]Share your experience
Participants share their experience (in a discussion forum) on assessment implementations, including student feedback, literature references, tools...

3h 30min
3 [TU][foi - completed using input from your presentation in FF]Pitfalls of peer-assessment
A short summary of some of the pitfalls of PA with references for further reading and investigation provided.

3h 0min
4 [TU]Rubric for PBL assessment
Video and reading materials on how to use criteria-based assessment and rubric in the assessment of PBL.

1h 30min
5 [TU]Goodbye
This section closes the course and says thank you the participants for their participation. It asks them to stay in touch and continue to share their practices in Peer Assessment

10 min